What you really need when healing…
Eden Sipperly Eden Sipperly

What you really need when healing…

What you really need when you’re healing is tangible tools on how to heal. It is always easier said than done! So what steps do you ACTUALLY take to move towards a healthier, more healed version of yourself?

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How Reiki Found Me
Eden Sipperly Eden Sipperly

How Reiki Found Me

Eden here, founder of Roaring Fork Reiki. I figured it was time to dive into something a little more personal than just Reiki, so here I am. I wanted to share today about how Reiki found me.

I graduated from UNC Chapel Hill with Bachelor’s in Science coupled with no clue what I actually wanted to do with it. I knew many things I could do with it, but nothing sounded actually enjoyable anymore. So just like any other lucky-enough dumb-enough millennial would do, I took a road trip.

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Feeling Tired after a Reiki Session?
Eden Sipperly Eden Sipperly

Feeling Tired after a Reiki Session?

After a Reiki Session with your practitioner, you may be feeling some type of way. Maybe you’re exhausted, or overly energized, or still, or sore. Maybe you have a runny nose, stomach aches, or are feeling unusually busy or negative. You could truly feel any which way.

First off, this is normal. Secondly, do your best to embrace yourself exactly as you’re showing up. Reiki is like an energetic chiropractor experience, and has similar symptoms that come from realignment and adjustment. Your body is in a new state than it was before, and when adjusted that can initially be uncomfortable.

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6 Ways to Actually Manifest Your Dreams
Eden Sipperly Eden Sipperly

6 Ways to Actually Manifest Your Dreams

Manifesting is the process of bringing some intangible idea into the physical world around you through intention and action. Meaning, you must constantly be thinking about your dreams, allowing yourself to feel as if they are already so, and taking action towards them daily to manifest them as a reality.

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What “High Vibe” Really Means
Eden Sipperly Eden Sipperly

What “High Vibe” Really Means

When people say they want to "increase their frequency" or "high vibes only", it refers to the concept of literally increasing the vibration in your mind for clarity, action and connectedness and letting go of everything that stands in the way of that pure vibration (imagine the ripple, once more, with a rock in the way). We do create our vibrations, aka energy, aka thoughts as they travel along our neural pathways, through our reactions to all stimuli that comes into our body.

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What is Reiki Good For?
Eden Sipperly Eden Sipperly

What is Reiki Good For?

Reiki is good for countless things, big and small. Personally, I have worked with and seen vast improvements of people with cancer, Autism, depressions, anxiety, traumatic brain injuries, new loss, old loss, COVID, sexual assault, bullying, amputation and more. We all hold something from our past that isn’t ours. And it doesn’t have to be one big overt trauma to be effecting how we carry ourselves through our lives, shielding ourselves from potential joy. By increasing our awareness of those shadows we begin to rewrite them and release them.

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How Does Distance Reiki Work?
Eden Sipperly Eden Sipperly

How Does Distance Reiki Work?

Because of this lack of boundaries, the world becomes an energetic lattice of overlapping atoms, where there is truly no place where you stop and I begin.

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The History of Reiki
Eden Sipperly Eden Sipperly

The History of Reiki

Mikao used this need of preserving his culture as the fuel for his fire-- forming this Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai: Usui Spiritual Energy Healing Method. He gave structure to ideas that have been around for centuries, bringing many practices together into one space, and to be placed under the Reiki umbrella.

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How Reiki Works
Eden Sipperly Eden Sipperly

How Reiki Works

Reiki is one of many tools to help you get out of a trauma response, let go of these patterns in the body that do not serve you, and to rebuild better and stronger. Through breathwork, meditation, visualization, deep presencing and more, you can learn how to tune into your body and observe your own nervous system shifting as stimuli come into your scope of awareness. Maybe you will find the exact trigger, but maybe not. You don’t have to know where something comes from in order to heal it.

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What is “Reiki”?
Eden Sipperly Eden Sipperly

What is “Reiki”?

Reiki refers to the universal life force energy that is all around us. In Yoga this is the prana, Chinese medicine the chi/qi, light for the Christians, Spiritus Vitalis in Latin, mana for Polynesians and Ka for Egyptians. And though “Reiki” is the actual energy that flows throughout all of us, it is usually also used to refer to the type of session that practitioners offer through this energy.

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