What is “Reiki”?

You may not believe it, but most of my clients come to me having no idea what Reiki is. They were recommended it from a friend or doctor, and are willing to try something new. This is truly my favorite thing— to be able to take a skeptic or novice and turn them into a lover of Reiki.

Reiki refers to the universal life force energy that is all around us. In Yoga this is the prana, Chinese medicine the chi/qi, light for the Christians, Spiritus Vitalis in Latin, mana for Polynesians and Ka for Egyptians. And though “Reiki” is the actual energy that flows throughout all of us, it is usually also used to refer to the type of session that practitioners offer through this energy.

Reiki has Japanese origins, combining elements of the Samurai dedication, Buddhist open-mindedness, curiosity and non-attachment, and cultural concentration that is natural on an island that didn’t see visitors for hundreds of years before Imperialism. The Reiki energy has been around since the beginning of time, but the founder of Reiki, Mikao Usui, was the one in the late 1800s who tangibly pieced together practices that would help people to access this energy and share it with others. This involves specific hand positions, meditations, prayer, sacred symbols and tapping into your own unique intuition.

Throughout the years, Reiki has been shared in a multitude of different ways. Trainings used to be $10,000 in the mid-century to keep only those that really wanted to learn in the lineage. This has shifted, amongst other things like the creation of different ‘types’ of Reiki like Seichim and Karuna, and now Reiki is accessible to anyone who is curious enough to pursue it. We will dive into this with the History of Reiki in a different blog, but for now we hope this has been clarifying!

If you are curious and want to learn more, you can book a FREE intro call with me to talk more about Reiki, what it is, how it works, and so much more.

Loving you,

Eden of Roaring Fork Reiki


Asheville, NC 28806



How Reiki Works