Whatever you’re searching for, it is already within you.

My Reiki Offerings

Roaring Fork Reiki is located in the beautiful, wise mountains of Asheville, NC

If you are located across the globe, all packages are also available as Distance Sessions ♡

Don’t know where to start?Let’s chat!Book a 2o minute FREE consultation with yours truly to talk about Reiki, what you are looking to get out of it, how I can help, and anything else that we feel called to discuss.

Don’t know where to start?

Let’s chat!

Book a FREE 3o minute consultation with yours truly to talk about Reiki, what you are looking to receive and release, how I can help, and anything else that we feel called to discuss.


Your Energetic Baseline

30 Min. Intro Call

This distance Reiki intro session is a simple baseline reading of your chakra balance and energy levels.

There is no attunement realignment here, just a short 30 minute session to view where you are at and understanding how we could work together in future sessions.

This is for you if you are curious about Reiki or have been feeling like there is something missing or out of balance within you.



The Hamsa Session:

1 Reiki Session

Meaning “migratory bird” in Sanskrit, this package is for you if you are open and ready to explore the world of Reiki.

This is 1 Reiki session focused on aligning and invigorating your energy channels to feel inspired and able to move through your day with confidence and centeredness.

This includes a 60 minute Reiki Session and clarification, discussion, and integration before and after being on the table.


The Makaranda Package:

4 Reiki Sessions

Meaning “honeybee” in Sanskrit, this package is for you if you are ready to nurture and expand yourself.

This package offers 4 Reiki sessions that focus on realigning your energy channels more permanently as you unlearn and rewrite old belief patterns that no longer serve you.

This includes everything in the Hamsa package with sessions booked weekly, personalized homework, customized coaching and accountability.


Reiki Reattunement

This virtual Reiki Reattunement session is 45 minutes long, and for those who are certified in Reiki Level 1, 2, Master or Master teacher and are looking to clear their channel and reconnect to the universal Reiki energy.

As a practitioner and student, I recommend this annually to recalibrate your system and enhance the flowing of energy, so you can share you gift with complete potency and clarity ♡



Purchase a Gift Card

Not sure what session to buy yet, but want to hold yourself accountable? Know someone who would welcome the gift of self-exploration and healing? Purchase a gift card using the button below— this formatted email will walk you through the two steps to purchase a gift card!

 If these prices are not within your current financial capabilities, I’m still here.

Please feel free to enter your information at the link below to be entered into a Monthly drawing for a 100% donation-based distance Reiki session, where you only give what feels good to you. I’ll reach out via text and email to notify you when you’re the lucky receiver :)