What you really need when healing…

What you really need when healing…

Are tangible tools!

How exactly do you bring your nervous system online? What does proper manifestation look like in reality and why does it work? How do I hone my intuition? Where does trauma live in the mind and body and how do I ACTUALLY go about releasing it??

These questions and more are things that we demystify in my Reiki Level 1&2 class ✨

It’s so much more than the classic certification— we learn the art of SCIENCE + SURRENDER.

Taking nebulous ideas and turning them into tangible practices so you know exactly what tool to take out of your tool belt when triggers arise.

I’m not one of those fully crown-chakra living people that would float away if they weren’t tethered to this earth through bills and the need to eat. You know the type.

I value a grounded approach to spirituality that forms the strongest foundation, allowing you to step into your own personal truth, intuition, curiosity and gift with deep trust.

Feeling the pull? Head to the Trainings tab or shoot me an email to se when the next round of class is happening!! 🍯🌱

Wishing you love, light and bouts of laughter,

Eden of RFR


Things you can -actually- do with Reiki


How Reiki Found Me