What “High Vibe” Really Means

"If you wish to understand the Universe, think of Energy, Frequency, and Vibration."

-Nikola Tesla

Have you ever witnessed someone walking into the room and the energy shifts? This is one of the most popular examples of the fact that everything is vibration. Every thing around us gives off a Hertz frequency. For example, the Earth has a frequency of 7.8Hz. Binaural beats which you may know of are said to be good for sleep and relaxation-- around 1-8 Hz.

Water is a great conductor of vibration (aka ripples!). You can see the Hz waves as they replicate and travel farther and farther away from the source. Our body is around 60% water and brain is 73%, too. Implicating that our body, especially our brain, is also a great conductor of vibration.

When people say they want to "increase their frequency" or "high vibes only", it refers to the concept of literally increasing the vibration in your mind for clarity, action and connectedness and letting go of everything that stands in the way of that pure vibration (imagine the ripple, once more, with a rock in the way). We do create our vibrations, aka energy, aka thoughts as they travel along our neural pathways, through our reactions to all stimuli that comes into our body. These vibrations can be felt all around us in subtle ways because of the ripple effect that all waves have. This takes us back to the example of energy somehow shifting in a room when someone walks in!

Another important scientific principle is that like vibration attracts like vibration. If you put two tuning forks of the same Hz next to each other and only strike one, the other one will pick up this Hz and begin making sound as well. This has huge implications! One being that what you put out does become attracted back to you, but you must continue acting in alignment with the vibration you want to attract in order to bring it to you. It is not a one-and-done situation. Waves do not continue to travel if they aren't continually played. Continue living in accordance with your highest self and the world will unfold for you.

Another implication is that vibration amplifies when you are in alignment with that around you. If your work, your surroundings, your community are all aligned with who you are becoming, you will find that your path to your highest self becomes easier. Obstacles fall away. This is the work of attracting the world to you. This is high vibration.

Reiki is all about expanding the time between stimuli and reaction. This is where your power lies. Within this space is the opportunity to decide your reaction. Noticing which reaction initially always wants to come up is the first step of unlearning what no longer serves you. Expanding this moment with awareness allows you to rewrite these patterns in the mind through intentional choice. Instead of becoming angry, try to notice that that is your first response. Be curious with that, and take a moment to ask yourself why. This person was not trying to make you angry, so why did your mind choose this defense mechanism? Hmmmm... can you choose love instead? Understanding? Compassion? Relax the body in this different emotion and try to let it move through you without resistance. How does that feel in your body and mind instead?

This. This process right here... is the WORK that people talk about. These are the tangible, simple yet not easy steps to take to come back to your self.

Now that we've spoken on vibration, let's touch on some more physical manifestations of vibration. Along with your thoughts, emotions, and "vibes", sound is vibration. This is why there have been healing mantras around for centuries. Long ago, wise people of the ancient world felt the healing potential of sound. Sound as medicine is coming back, slowly but surely into our industrialized world where many people are dissociated from their bodies and thus their own healing for their entire lives.

This coming back is what it is all about. Spiritual practices (such as reiki, chanting, yoga, prayer, journaling, dance, etc.) can raise your vibration, but vibration can also raise your spiritual practice. There is no "one must come before the other". Some people find salvation through their body by employing dance. Some people find another means to salvation, which allows their body and mind to embrace play more easily and dance comes back into their lives. There is no one size fits all healing scenario, but sound will always be able to be a tool.

Sound can be used to release energetic blockages. For centuries, techniques of sound healing have been used to create a vibration in the body. When I say "sound healing", this can mean music, a phrase, singing, instruments, chanting-- anything that creates sound. These vibrations from the source penetrate all that is around it, in that ripple effect that all waves have. And if the sound that you are producing isn't intended for a specific healing Hertz (because how many of us know the Hz of our own voice!) the key instead is the INTENTION behind the sound. Any thing that you create, that comes out of your body and mind and into the world around you, will serve you if it is done with intention. This can be intention of surrender, compassion, grounding, expansion, or literally anything else you're calling in. Let your mantra guide you back into the present moment through your intention, whenever you need it and call on it.

Now anything that makes sound can be a form of sound healing, but I find Sanskrit to be a particularly nourishing vessel for healing. Sanskrit means "perfected, or well-made". It is the only language that was formed solely around the vibrations that our mouths can make. It is organized by 5 different points in the mouth that create different vibratory waves, which each resonate at different frequencies and thus impact our body and mind in different ways. It is the true meaning of the "felt" sense.

There are countless different chants, or Mantras, in Sanskrit. Some of my favorites are:

  • Loka samasta sukhino bhavantu: A personal favorite, which translates to "May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words and actions of my own life contribute to the happiness and freedom of all."

  • So Hum: meaning, I am that.

  • Even When: as in, "choose love, even when things get rough/ugly/misunderstood/etc"

  • Ho’oponopono Prayer: "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you." This is one I often guide clients to repeat after me during sessions when they are looking to heal from a specific memory, bodily trauma, or story. It releases blame and separation, letting empathy reign.

Now for some Implications and Assumptions:

  • Frequency will always want to harmonize with things that are similar

  • Opposites don’t attract

  • It AMPLIFIES when you are in alignment (purpose, partner, etc)

  • You can attract other things at your vibration by living in your vibration consistently

  • **Waves don’t continue to travel if not played**

  • What you send out will come back to you in many different ways (The basis of Manifestation, which we will touch on next)

  • You are in control!

Now you may be asking: How do you raise your vibration?

I recommend establishing consistent practices such as grounding, earthing, meditation, eating well, releasing stress and fear in ways such as dance, song, prayer, movement, letting go of relationships that no longer serve you, doing the work to notice negative thoughts and intentionally rewrite them, and living with integrity.

Remember, it takes time. But you've got this. Through action comes change. Comes release. Comes freedom, realignment and rejuvenation for you to continue moving towards a higher version of your Self. And if you ever feel you could benefit from direct guidance and clearing of lower vibrations, I’m here. Check out my booking tab for more information <3

Eden of Roaring Fork Reiki


Asheville, NC 28806



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