What is Reiki Good For?

This is a question that I get a lot, being a practitioner that primarily tends to bring in clients that are novices to Reiki. And personally, this is how I like it! My grounded approach seems to give people a place to land inside a world that can seem extremely “woo-woo”.

So what is Reiki good for, you ask? Well first we need to start with what it is. Reiki is about the body and the mind and the soul— all things most people would say are real. It is the process of relaxing all of these elements of ourself in order to see where patterns have built up, and how to release them to create more space for your limitless future and expanding mind. This is done through specific hand positions, guided meditations, breathwork, visualizations and more. Though I will make note here that many traditional practices only incorporate hand positions, keeping all of the magic on the practitioner and not so much overtly empowering the student (which I find happens with the aforementioned latter 3 pillars). That being said, the body and mind can finally relax through these means. Within this space, old patterns and thoughts have space to come up to the surface and be released.

For example, once on the table and we begin to work on your shoulders, I notice through your skeletal system, breathing patterns, blood flow, my own ability to tap into your energetic system and more that with each inhale, the shoulders pull forward, slightly closing. And with the exhale, you come back to a neutral spine. Now this pattern can be due to a number of things: maybe you work at your computer all day and hunching over all the time has written this pattern in the body for you. Maybe you’re shy, and try (even unconsciously) to make yourself small and take up less space as you move through the world, to avoid attention and to not ever be in the way. Maybe you’ve had a recent heartbreak, and are unconsciously protecting your heart from being vulnerable again (which is noted in the motion of literally curling the body around the heart to protect it, no matter how subtle it may seem to you in everyday life). And maybe, these things work together. Maybe through working from home you’ve found yourself becoming more shy and aren’t sure why. One came before the other, and impacted the mental body as the physical shifted.

There could be more reasons as well, but we will start with these. Now we don’t know without discussing which one of these it could be. But truly, it does not matter. You do not have to know the culprit to rid yourself of it. What we will do in a Reiki session is put light pressure on the shoulders to reroute the breathe to expand the chest with the inhale instead of contract. I will cue different breath patterns or visualizations for you to begin tapping into this area of the body and become aware of what is happening with each breath. And together, we will rewrite it. Giving the breath a new route built on confidence, vulnerability as strength, trust, and general well-being in the body, mind and soul.

This is but one example of what reiki is good for. Reiki is good for countless things, big and small. Personally, I have worked with and seen vast improvements of people with cancer, Autism, depressions, anxiety, traumatic brain injuries, new loss, old loss, COVID, sexual assault, bullying, amputation and more. We all hold something from our past that isn’t ours. And it doesn’t have to be one big overt trauma to be effecting how we carry ourselves through our lives, shielding ourselves from potential joy. By increasing our awareness of those shadows we begin to rewrite them and release them.

What are you currently working through? What are you ready to release?

Book your discounted first distance Reiki session with me: You’ll get 20% off just for mentioning this blog post :)

Loving you to the moon and stars and all the way back,

Eden of Roaring Fork Reiki


Asheville, NC 28806



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