Things you can -actually- do with Reiki

As seen on my Instagram:

THINGS YOU CAN ACTUALLY DO WITH A REIKI CERT (& that people will pay you for!!!)

-Bring it to a local hospital: I have firsthand seen Reiki offered to cancer wards, hospice, addiction recovery centers speech pathology offices. The options are endless, and your community may have the funding already in place! I know AVL and ASPN do.

-Reiki and Restore yoga: if you are a yoga teacher, you will love teaching this class!! It is also a great way to share Reiki and build a clientele. I’ve also personally offered Reiki at farmers markets, festivals and cacao ceremonies, and the options are endless!

-Horse Reiki: yes this is real. Like, very real. And pet reiki for that matter. People love their animals, and their healing is just as important!! Do you know where your nearest horse rescue center or equine therapy center is?!

-Start that side hustle: diversified income is wealth, people!!! That’s how we stay out of the cog of the machine, how we reclaim our sovereignty, how we create TRUE freedom. Join us 👽

-Infuse it: The reiki energy can be infused in ANYTHING. You sell candles? Add reiki. You make jewelry? Reiki. You are a massage therapist?? REIKI. I also just like to infuse pieces of my home, past, and self with reiki, because it’s not all about monetizing here 😉

-HEALING: Reiki empowers you to Self Heal. It provides a framework for you to dive deeper into your Self and continue the healing process internally. That is not to say that different forms of therapy are not also important in this process, just that this empowers you to start a piece of that journey yourself, on your time and your terms.

Class starts October 10, and will forever be cheaper and more fulfilling/inclusive/supportive than the 2 day intensives you’re about to find on your google search that throw a piece of paper at you and never talk to you again. Can’t wait to meet you there!!!

Wishing you love, light and bouts of laughter,

Eden of RFR


You choose.


What you really need when healing…