Want to learn more about Reiki but don’t know where to start?

Hoping to understand the science of possibility that tethers us to this earth?

Craving tangible tools and not just broad, nebulous advice so you can create your best reality and tap into your highest self?

Well you’ve found yourself to a great place to start your journey!

Roaring Fork Reiki offers both in-person and virtual Reiki Level I and II Trainings.

RFR is based on the pillars of curiosity, sensitivity, openness and empowerment. Combining science + surrender to dive deep and heal deeper.

Class includes…

  • 7 weekly gatherings accompanied by growth-work, journal prompts and more

  • 6th sense development through intuition honing practices

  • 5+ hours of guided meditations

  • 4 different, beautiful ceremonies to deepen your connection to Self and Source

  • 3 Reiki symbols shared to empower you to fully practice Level 1 & 2 Reiki

  • 2 different levels of Reiki certification

  • 1 intimate cohort, so you can receive 1:1 support, connection and attention

… & so much more. What’re you waiting for?

These group containers only happens twice a year and have limited space. Apply now and check out what the past students are saying below!

Interested? Want to learn more? Above you can click to reach out with questions, apply, or to download the Reiki Pamphlet with more class information. And if you’d like to book a FREE 1:1 call to see if Reiki is the right fit for you, I'd love to connect..

What They’re Saying…

“Eden is a great teacher, full of intention and knowledge. Her course was well balanced with history, science, workshops, and Reiki appointment details. I loved the weekly homework assignments and materials that were provided. I highly recommend this course for spiritual growth!”

“RFR’s Level 1 & 2 course was AMAZING. After completing this course my heart and soul felt nourished. I feel deeply connected to the other wonderful women who were on this journey with me and am so grateful for this community that Eden created. Eden teaches with kindness, compassion and grace. I had a little prior experience with Reiki, but my knowledge and practice feels so much fuller after this course. I can’t wait to take my Reiki Master course soon with her! If you’ve been feeling the call towards learning Reiki, this is the sign telling you to say yes and have Eden as your mentor. She is magic.”

“Reiki class with Eden was a beautiful learning experience! I felt nothing but compassion and a welcoming spirit from everyone in each class. I learned more about myself through powerful journaling prompts, our assigned readings, guided meditations and ceremony than I thought I could. It was such a lovely way to spend my Sunday mornings.”

“I am very grateful to have experienced this Reiki course with Eden. I learned so many things and the way she teaches this course is incredible! I loved her energy, her knowledge and how she cared for the group.”

“One of the best decisions I’ve made in my spiritual journey was to take Eden’s course. She was authentic and so knowledgeable about the subject matter and provided practical applications and information allowing us to move forward confidently into our own practice. I would recommend Eden and her course over and over again!”

“Eden is a powerful force full of gifts, wisdom and compassion. It has been an absolute please to learn from her. She has the strength to bring together beautiful women from all walks of life and make us all feel uniquely special and capable. Eden provides a variety of resources to help guide us on our way. She brought in individual teachers with their own unique and special offerings, which provided a deeper sense of community and loving awareness. Eden has a heart of gold and obvious passion for life and learning.”

“I have felt connected to Eden from the moment I met her and felt called to get to know her more and learn from her. Learning from Eden has been an absolute joy. She displays organization, wisdom, radical honesty and unconditional love. Even when I was struggling to understand my own journey and my own gifts, Eden heard me and reminded me I am exactly where I need to be. Thank you for being a light in my life and opening your heart to share your wisdom… I would recommend this class and learning from Eden anytime and every time. I already have :)”

“Needless to say it was an instant Yes from me! From the first class to the last, Eden was v ery knowledgeable, spoke from the heart and offered a guiding hand through the many questions that came up. She offered many journaling prompts, additional reading materials, and ceremony to help guide us through our learning experiences. She made sure to hold space for each one of us individually throughout the course. Every class was taught beautifully and was a learning experience like I have never had before. I feel so honored to be a part of a group taught by Eden. Thank you for allowing me to learn about Reiki and find a new passion to explore and practice in life!”

“Eden treated everyone with c ompassion and grace, and was able to teach everyone where they were. She does a great job at making the information accessible and understandable without it feeling like a lecture. I also feel like she gave a good foundation of knowledge and it seems that someone could take this course with zero previous experience in the healing world. She did this in a way that still never felt elementary for those that did have some level of experience. There was a good balance and it felt very open to everyone.”

“I gave 4 Reiki sessions after attunements and my heart has been exploding about the magic that’s been happening! I’m so grateful I took your course and really feel like something truly unlocked after the attunement ceremony.”

“Something I loved about the class was how it was structured and how you brought in 3 women and their skills and gifts into our learning space as well. Each ceremony was so beautiful and a great way to create community and empower other women.”

“I love the connection we had in the group, the energy and how Eden made us all feel safe. I am so much more aware of my surroundings and my own energy and I love it!”

Need a Different Option?

Bad timing? Needing more fluidity? Wanting to start now and not wait for the next cohort?

We’ve got options!

  1. Check out my online portal on Teachable. This is the same course, but completely self-guided as well as virtual! And for half of the price. Win - win :)

  2. Roaring Fork Reiki also offers 1:1 Training, tailored to you! Take it at your pace, scheduled around your availability. This is the same price as group class, and allows for extensive discussion and support. Contact us to start the conversation— no strings attached!

Convinced yet? If you’ve made it this far, that in itself if worth noting. Follow what draws you in— action is the biggest clarifier!

I can’t wait to connect