6 Ways to Actually Manifest Your Dreams

The Law of Attraction is also known as the Science of Manifestation.

When you google Manifestation, the definition is: an event, action or object that clearly shows or embodies something, especially a theory or an abstract idea." What this is saying is that manifesting is the process of bringing some intangible idea into the physical world around you through intention and action. This links to our last lesson on vibration, as one vibration attracts the same vibration and they compound. Also, that a vibration does not continue to be expressed if not played. Meaning, you must constantly be thinking about your dreams, allowing yourself to feel as if they are already so, and taking action towards them daily to manifest them as a reality.

Now this is not always as simple as some people make it sound. There are two keys here: the first is the means of thinking about the goal: It is important to experience the goal as already achieved in your mind for a proper manifestation practice. What do your surroundings look like? What are you wearing? What do you see, smell, taste, hear, and FEEL in this moment of triumph? Allow yourself to feel as if it is already so. The act of linking your senses and emotions to the goal as you allow yourself to temporarily live inside of it's success in your mind is how you actually create the VIBRATION of the goal that goes out into the world. Writing it down over and over is not enough. You must sit with it, and let it in to your body, no matter how far off or scary that may feel.

The second key is to still take action towards the goal. This sounds like common sense, but is often overlooked when manifestation is taught. It is not magic. It is all the science of vibration and attraction as well as the ability to follow through. Dreams do not appear in our reality without us making space for them in some way. So what is one tiny actionable item you can take today to move yourself an inch closer to this goal? What is a story you need to release in order to step more fully into this version of yourself that would be able to achieve this goal? And remember, make your goal for the day S.M.A.R.T.: specific, measurable, actionable, reasonable, and timely. This will help you actually know exactly what to follow through on for the day that will lead you to your larger goal.

Through the law of attraction, we can understand that the universe will rearrange for you when the manifestation practice is properly in place. You are worthy of your goals simply because you desire them.

To Recap:

  • The Physical World = Energy and Vibration

  • Feelings are also all Energy and Vibration

  • Feelings = How you be

  • How you be = what you attract

6 Tips to Feel the Feelings: Manifesting Through...

  • Visualizations: Get as specific and into your 5 senses as you can as you envision this goal as already completed

  • Speaking Affirmations, Embracing Mantras, Using Music and Sound: Let the feelings of success encompass you and let the feelings in misalignment roll off of you.

  • Journaling: Write down all of the details of your dream or goal. This incorporates a different side of the brain to fully encompass the vibration you want to put out into the world.

  • Gratitude + desire lists: To help keep you grounded in the present, because Real Talk: if you can't find a way to be happy right now, whenever you get to your dream it still won't make you happy.

  • Disproving limiting beliefs: Get curious on where these negative stories come from in your head. What triggered the self-loathing? Where did this imposter syndrome come from? Why am I trying to self-sabotage? Invite these emotions in like wounded children instead of shaming them away from your consciousness. Imagine yourself giving these emotions that are trying to protect you but no longer serve you a big hug. Get down on their level, look them in the eyes and thank them as you ask them to leave. And then take action in your body or mind immediately to replace the negative pattern with something else: a positive thought no matter how forced it may feel, an actionable item, etc.

  • Movement & Action: Follow through. Create space in your psyche and life to let more good flow in. Nothing can flow in if your energy and space is still clogged up with negative energy and low vibration. Clean your house. Set boundaries. Commit to getting rid of a bad habit. Go on a walk. Make a list. Meditate. What's one small thing you can definitely do today to move you forward? Momentum compounds on itself, and an object at rest stays at rest. Which do you want to be?

Take time. Do your best to allow yourself to feel as if it were already so. If you desire it, you deserve it.

Want to connect further? Have questions? I’m here.

Eden of Roaring Fork Reiki


Asheville, NC 28806



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