You choose.

I should not exist.

You should not exist.

We should all not exist.

Speaking purely on the chances of this iteration of you being here and now, this unique combination of sperm and egg, out of billions of options… we all should not exist.

The chances are minuscule.

The statistics were never in our favor…

Yet here we are.

So you have one of two options as you move forward within this life:

to choose coincidence, or to choose connection.

Neither can be fully proven as fact. Neither is more “true”.

It is always a choice.

So why no choose the one that makes you feel a part of something larger? Full of signs and awe and love and joy? Full of just plain FUN?!

I know what I choose. And you? 💛

Wishing you love, light and bouts of laughter,

Eden of RFR


Grappling with the term “Reiki Master”


Things you can -actually- do with Reiki