How Does Distance Reiki Work?

Reiki, or the Universal Life Force Energy that unites us all, is a form of energy that is unlike that of gasoline, calories or coal in the way that it currently cannot be measured or quantified, only intuited (or qualified). It is a felt sense. It is a felt energy. This means that many people in this day and age, defined to productivity and often seeing “feeling” as unnecessary, are out of tune with the energy they experience in their daily lives. On the other side of that coin though, I’m sure all of us have experienced the shifting of energy when someone walks into a room. You may not know how or why, but something just feels different. This tapping in and noticing is the biggest step in starting your own person energetic journey.

Going into this on a more tangible way, energetics are all physics. The Newtonian laws that once “defined” our world (aka accepted by all and enforced by the Church re: Council of Trent which is a whole other post in itself), is now an incomplete model. Quantum physics now encompasses the “laws” of the universe more fully— meaning, the physical world that can be measured and observed is not all there is. The nuances of atoms, and the space that exists between them, has more to show us than a ball dropping from a building or a wheel turning.

Specifically, the atom consists of protons, electrons and neutrons which are charged positively, negatively and neutrally respectively. The protons and electrons are constantly moving around the neutrons in the center of the atom, so they are impossible to actually observe in real time. These aspects used to be the main focus of study, but it is now known and has been measured that 99.999999999999% of one atom is actually space. Yes, that is 12 9’s after the period. So is this just empty space? Newtonian physics used to say it was, but now we know that this space is not empty because it is full of energy. This space holds the energetic fields that are created when positive and negative charges interact. Think magnet, or poles of the earth.

Ok. So now we understand that this space is not empty, but full of charge and thus a field of energy. Now imagine a space that is 99.999999999999% space, with the remaining as a solid object. For example, an entire football field with 6 pins representing 3 protons and 3 electrons. You can imagine that with this sort of space, it is difficult to actually establish boundaries where the “atom” ends since it is all space that constantly moves and morphs as electrons and protons continue to circle the nucleus.

Because of this lack of boundaries, the world becomes an energetic lattice of overlapping atoms, where there is truly no place where you stop and I begin.

Through intention, practice, and the ability to presence oneself so much that you can listen without thinking or creating stories in your mind (enter: a meditation practice), you can tap into others energies no matter how far away they are. The biggest thing here is trust. And practice. With tangible tools, you can learn how to do this, surrendering to the world around you.

Now as far as sessions go, they are over the phone. I ask that you are comfortable in your space, lying down and warm as your body temperature drops when laying for an hour. Some practitioners will stay silent the whole time, working through your body from head to toe using the traditional framework of Reiki practice that involves hand positions and energetic movement. While I do use these practices, I personally lead you through specific visualizations, meditations, breathwork, sound therapy and more the employ your help in the process and provide more clarify for you. This combines my knowledge of yoga, breathwork, the nervous system, manifestation, health coaching and more to show you that I am just your conduit to healing, and the power to realign and heal is truly already within you.

Science + Surrender.

I can’t wait to share this love with you,

Eden of Roaring Fork Reiki

Asheville, NC 28806



What is Reiki Good For?


The History of Reiki